This will be a short tutorial on how to monitor Docker containers using the Zabbix agent. First, you need to set-up the Zabbix agent on your Linux host: Install Zabbix-agent 3.4 on Linux
When you have installed the agent and configured it within the Zabbix server we can continue.
- We are going to start by downloading the necessary files that we need to configure our Zabbix agent so that it can monitor the Docker containers.
git clone
- Copy the following files into the Zabbix folder and set the correct permission on the Python file.
cp ax-zabbix-docker/zabbix-agent/linux_zabbix_agent.conf /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/ cp ax-zabbix-docker/scripts/ /etc/zabbix/ chmod 755 /etc/zabbix/
- Add the zabbix user to the docker group so it has permission to read the container data.
sudo usermod -a -G docker zabbix
- Restart the Zabbix agent and verify that it is running.
With the agent done we continue by importing the template into Zabbix. The git folder contains 2 templates, 1 for passive and 1 for active clients, which we will both import into Zabbix. After this is done we will only assign one of the two to our docker host.
- Import the XML file by going to the Templates page on Zabbix, you can find it under Configuration. At the top-right corner, you have the button Import, from there you can specify the XML file and let it import.
- Now you can assign the template to the docker host in the Hosts page. In my case, I am using an Active agent which is why I will assign the Active template.
- That's it! It will now run a discovery rule every 30 seconds that will find every container en create the appropriate items for it.